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10 TED Talks to Keep You Motivated and Inspired During this Time

10 TED Talks to Keep You Motivated and Inspired During this Time

We are living in unprecedented times.

Whether it’s developing a new normal routine or taking time to start that book you’ve been wanting to read or even taking in some more inspiration, this moment we are in may spark more self-development, self-discovery and self-reflection for many of us.

There’s no better time than now to make sure that the information you consume feeds your mind and soul. And, if you are a leader, it’s even more important to share content and information that can be helpful for others.

So what is keeping you motivated and inspired during these times? 

If you don’t know where to start, try listening to an inspirational TED Talk from one of your favorite speakers, entrepreneurs or business leaders. 

While it can be easy to fall into the monotony of working from home, binge-watching Netflix and for some of us, homeschooling our kids, taking just a few minutes each week, even during your morning or nighttime routine, can change the trajectory of your day and your overall perspective during this time. 

Here are a few of my favorite TED Talks to spark inspiration and motivation while we remain in quarantine for the time being:

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