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14 Ways You Can Show Yourself Some Love this Valentine’s Day

14 Ways You Can Show Yourself Some Love this Valentine’s Day

One thing that’s clear: we are not taking good enough care of ourselves. One thing I hear from so many of my clients is that they feel like doing something for themselves is indulgent when, in fact, self care is a resiliency and survival practice. So on Valentine’s Day, this annual day of love, I wanted to share 14 ways you can show yourself some love today and any day of the year:

1. Go for a walk outside
2. Eat one (or more!) of your favorite foods
3. Go to a place (restaurant, coffee shop, museum) you love
4. Spend time with friends and family who bring you joy
5. Spend time enjoying and being fully present with your partner
6. Watch your favorite movie
7. Do something you used to do as a child for fun
8. Dance
9. Listen to your favorite music
10. Burn some beautiful scented candles
11. Tell 10 people reasons why you appreciate them
12. Get a spa treatment (massage, mani/pedi or facial, anyone?)
13. Meditate
14. Visualize one of your favorite moments in life


And if you’re looking for a weekend of self-care, both personally and professionally, join us for the Beyond the Business Suit Retreat in March!

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