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Are You Ready to Crush Your Goals?

Are You Ready to Crush Your Goals?

Last weekend I was listening to an episode of Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income podcast where he interviewed Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle MorningI was so taken by Hal’s story and his approach to starting each morning with intention in order to be more successful, that I decided to pick up his book and start off 2015 with his approach since I have so much that I would like to accomplish. I put a post out to my Facebook friends to see if anyone else was interested in doing the same and I was overwhelmed by the response!

So I started a private Facebook group called Goal Crushing Morning Masters and I would like to invite you to join if you’re interested in crushing your goals in 2015 starting with being intentional about your morning routine. The group will be somewhat of a book club meets mastermind. We’ll be reading The Miracle Morning and keeping each other motivated. The actual morning routines will kick off on the first Monday of the year,  January 5, 2015 but the group is already active. I am also happy to announce that I am planning to interview the author, Hal Elrod, for the Beyond the Business Suit podcast in early January as well so get ready! You can find links to the Facebook group and different versions of the book below:

Join the Goal Crushing Morning Masters Private Facebook Group (you must join by 1/4/15 to participate in the group)

Buy The Miracle Morning physical book:


Buy The Miracle Morning audio book:


Buy The Miracle Morning Kindle version:

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