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Episode 107: Dorianne St. Fleur | Your Career Girl

Episode 107: Dorianne St. Fleur | Your Career Girl

In this episode of Beyond the Business Suit, I interviewed Dorianne St Fleur. Dorianne is a career coach, advisor and HR leader who teaches women professionals the skills they need to uncover a career that is purposeful, productive and profitable.

In this episode you will hear us discuss

  • Dorianne’s experience transitioning from operations at a large bank to a career in HR
  • The importance of being self aware
  • What “personal magic” is and what women can do to use their “personal magic” at work
  • What to do if you find yourself laid off or in a career transition


Dorianne’s Bio

Dorianne St Fleur is a career coach, advisor and HR leader who teaches women professionals the skills they need to uncover a career that is purposeful, productive and profitable.

Dorianne has advised hundreds of men and women at Fortune 500 companies such as Goldman Sachs and non-profit organizations such as, Dress for Success. Her work has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Working Mother magazine, The Muse, Fast Company and Inc.

Dorianne has over a decade of experience in Corporate America and Human Resources.

Dorianne holds a B.A. in Psychology from Spelman College and has been trained in HR Management at New York University.

Dorianne lives in New York with her husband and two year old daughter, and when she’s not working or spending time with them, she’s most likely scouring the internet in search of the perfect mojito recipe to try at home.


  • “What I’ve found is, if two, three, four, five people are saying the same thing, there has to be some level of truth.”

  • “Personal magic to me is that thing that makes you you.”

  • “Everyone has something that’s specific to them that makes them unique. And when you can tap into that and you can use that and infuse that into every single thing you do, that whole process and experience to me is magical.”


The Final Five

1. If you could brunch with three people, dead or alive, who would they be? Oprah, Ramit Sethi (from www.Iwillteachyoutoberich.com) and Dave Chapelle
2. If I were to ask ten people who know you to describe you using three words what would they say? Funny, loyal, smart
3. What is something you’ve said or done at work that you wish you could get a “do over” for? When Dorianne got laid off, she didn’t say anything in the meeting because she was in a state of shock. If she could have gone back, she would have owned that moment better. She also had an experience early in her career where a more experienced person offered to be her mentor and she did not take her up on it.  
4. What is the best advice you’ve ever received? Everything is temporary, so don’t get so bogged down at any given moment.
5. What is your go to “power outfit” or something you put on to feel confident and powerful? A little black dress and heels
How you can connect with Dorianne online and on social media:

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