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Episode 112: Elayne Fluker Teaches Us That Support Is Indeed Sexy

Episode 112: Elayne Fluker Teaches Us That Support Is Indeed Sexy

In this episode of Beyond the Business Suit I had the pleasure of interviewing Elayne Fluker, CEO of Chic Rebellion Media and the host of Support Is Sexy, a wonderful podcast where, five days a week, she highlights and inspires women entrepreneurs. Just yesterday she released an interview she had with me and today, you get to learn about her!

In this episode we discussed:

  • What led Elayne to the work she does
  • Some fun stories including how she got her dream internship after college that launched her into a career in media
  • The test that led to her becoming Susan Taylor’s assistant at Essence Magazine
  • Suede Magazine: she answers questions I’ve had for over 10 years!
  • Some of the most surprising things Elayne has learned from doing her podcast
  • Some of the ways Elayne “goes hard” in business
  • Much more!



Resources mentioned in this episode:


Elayne’s Bio:

Elayne Fluker has always been a passionate storyteller. And now, as host of the Support is Sexy podcast for women entrepreneurs and CEO of Chic Rebellion Media — which is a multimedia company that empowers women to control their own narratives — she is committed to creating spaces for other women to share their stories.

In 2012, Elayne ventured into entrepreneurship full-time after nearly 20 years in media, and founded Chic Rebellion TV, an online network that features videos and web series exploring the diverse perspectives of women of color. The network included four original web series executive produced by Elayne, curated content from international content creators, and advertisements from companies such as Sony Pictures, Lexus, BET and Macy’s.

In 2015, after empathizing with other women entrepreneurs who spoke about the sometimes lonely journey of entrepreneurship and seeing a desire in the market for a community where these women could connect, be open and work together to build profitable businesses and purposeful lives, Elayne launched her “Support   is   Sexy” movement with a mission of reminding women that having it all doesn’t mean doing it all alone. As host of the Support is Sexy podcast (which features brand new episodes five days a week, has more than 150,000 downloads and reaches listeners in 112 countries), Elayne has interviewed more than 150 inspiring women entrepreneurs around the world, who get real about their own journeys — where they started, when they struggled and how they still made it happen. The podcast has been featured in the Philadelphia Tribune as one that is diversifying the podcast landscape, and in Essence magazine as a must-listen, transformational podcast.

As a women’s advocate, journalist and media expert, Elayne has appeared in front of millions as a featured guest on Today Show, Nightline, Extra, Inside Edition, CNN, VH1, FOX, BET, Sirius XM Radio and more. Her work has been featured in WWD, Associated Press, the New York Daily News, Essence, Vibe and People, and on sites such as HuffingtonPost.com, TodayShow.com, Brides.com, People.com and AOL.com. As an executive producer, Elayne has created and produced more than a dozen original web series and produced more than 300 web videos.

Throughout her 20-year media career, Elayne held top editorial positions, such as Digital Managing Director at Martha Stewart Living, Editorial Director of Entertainment and Beauty & Style at iVillage.com, Managing Editor at Condé Nast Digital, Director of Digital for Latina.com, Entertainment Editor of Essence, Managing Editor & Celebrity Projects Director of Suede and Managing Editor of Vibe and Vibe Vixen.

She is also a public speaker who discusses media, diversity, women’s empowerment and entrepreneurship at global events, such as the United Nations World Diversity Leadership Summit, the Women of Power Summit, Mediabistro’s Women in Publishing, the Essence Music Festival and the Cinequest Film Festival, and at Columbia University, Howard University, New York University and Spelman College.

With her expansive expertise, Elayne Fluker serves as an advisor, consultant and media coach for corporate brands, media outlets, entrepreneurs and public personalities. She also works with women entrepreneurs, who are members of her mastermind, supporting them with personal development, brand storytelling, visioning and accountability as they launch new businesses and create lives they love!

Outside of her career and business ventures, Elayne is deeply passionate about her longtime service as a mentor and advisor to young people. It is why she commits her time to such important organizations as the award-winning Urban Assembly Gateway School of Technology in New York, where she is Chairwoman of the Board.

Elayne Fluker is a native New Yorker who holds a B.A. in English from Hampton University in Virginia. She splits her time between New York and Atlanta. As she continues to expand her brands and the many ways she serves women, Elayne says simply: “Stay tuned!”


  • “With everything in business as we all learn…timing does play a role in it and that’s the thing we can’t always control.”
  • “There’s learning in action.”
  • A quote from the former head of iVillage that has stuck with Elayne: “You have to decide what matters and what doesn’t matter. If you decide it matters, make it matter a lot. If you decide it doesn’t matter, then it shouldn’t matter at all.”
  • “If we’re living the question we’re more likely to see it and receive it.”



The Final Five:

1) How Elayne defines her personal brand: compassion, connection and supporting women in creating lives and businesses they love.
2) One book that has made a significant impact in Elayne’s life or career: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
3) The best advice Elayne has ever received: “Hey, if it were easy, everyone would do it.” – said by her dad
4) What she does, listens to or reads to stay sharp: Working out and taking care of her body physically. She enjoys exercising, running and lifting weights. She also listens to a lot of podcasts. In addition to Beyond the Business Suit :), she also listens to The Model Health Show with Shawn Stevenson and many others. She is an avid book reader (she listens to audiobooks and tries to read every day). In the past year, she has added meditation and a “vision recording” that she listens to every day. 
5) What is your favorite power outfit (or something you put on to feel your most powerful)? Red nail polish and a red lip. Her favorite red lip is Ruby Woo from MAC. 


How you can connect with Elayne:
Instagram: @elaynefluker
Instagram: @supportissexy
Support Is Sexy Facebook page: facebook.com/supportsexy/

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