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Episode 130: Ways You Can Reclaim Your Time

Episode 130: Ways You Can Reclaim Your Time

In this episode of Beyond the Business Suit I want to have some real talk. Remember several months ago when “Auntie Maxine” Waters infamously repeated the phrase, “reclaiming my time”?

That video gave me so much life and every now and then I rewatch the video to remind myself of my post 60 year old #goals. Such a classic. Anyway, thinking about the concept of “reclaiming my time” made me think of so many clients, friends, women I know (including me!) who are juggling so many things in life including being moms, wives, friends, caregivers, business women, community and organization leaders, kid chauffeurs and the likes. Time is our most precious asset and one thing I’ve learned from all of the successful women I’ve worked with and interviewed is that the ONLY way to be successful and sane is to use your resources and delegate unapologetically. So today I want to share a few things we all can do to reclaim our time.
Four things you can do to help you reclaim your time:
1) Shift your mindset
2) Outsource
3) Empower your partners
4) Leverage your village
Listen to the episode for details.

You can also read what is a reclaiming my time manifesto, Tiffany Dufu’s book, Drop the Ball.
Here are some resources you can use to help you “reclaim your time”
 I would love to hear what other ways you have reclaimed your time including resources you use to help you manage all of the balls you have in your life. Leave a comment! 

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