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Episode 132: Ahyiana Angel Helps Us Make That ‘Switch, Pivot or Quit’

Episode 132: Ahyiana Angel Helps Us Make That ‘Switch, Pivot or Quit’

In this episode of Beyond the Business Suit I interviewed fellow podcaster Ahyiana Angel from the Switch, Pivot or Quit podcast. In this episode we not only hear some great insights and experiences Ahyiana has, we are also joined by Beyond the Business Suit listener Aly Nicely who joined us to ask Ahyiana about an “SPQ” she is experiencing.

In this episode we discussed

  • How her intuition led her to many of the experiences she’s had in her career
  • How she made her “switch, pivot or quit”
  • Why going on a solo trip is a great tactic to put things in motion and what you can do to figure out what you are meant to do in your career.
  • 3 things people can do to put things in motion for their switch, pivot or quit


Also Mentioned in this Episode


“I personally feel like there’s less fear there, when there’s more confidence there”
“When you can build your own confidence up, you’re less likely to be less intimidated in certain situations.”
“If you really want to challenge yourself, take a solo trip.”

Ahyiana’s Bio

Ahyiana is a traditionally published Author, Podcasting Educator and Host of the Switch, Pivot or Quit podcast. She is affectionately known to many as the Chief Encourager. However, by design, Ahyiana is a creator. Creator of a buzz worthy jewelry line featured by Vogue magazine and worn by Pop Icon Beyoncé, creator of a debut novel worthy of traditional publishing, and creator of a stellar career in publicity having worked with one of the top sports entertainment leagues, the National Basketball Association (NBA). Ultimately, one of her proudest accomplishments is creating an environment where others find encouragement as a result of her positive energy, skill, and fearless attitude.

Ahyiana is a seasoned executor who eventually blocked out the world’s ideas of success, quit her highly coveted position at the NBA, moved to London and traveled the world for a stint, then followed her passion in writing to find her purpose in encouragement. Mastering the art of note-worthy ideation and encouragement, Ahyiana taps into her zones of genius when speaking to audiences about her 4 Ps: publicity, publishing, personal development and podcasting. With more than 15 years of professional business experience lending her knowledge in these areas,
Ahyiana serves up real and relatable insight.

In addition to her extensive professional background, Ahyiana has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Marketing from California State University, Long Beach.

Ahyiana and her work have been featured by Black Enterprise, Essence, Career Contessa, LEVO, xoJane.com, LifeHacker.com, Ebony.com, ForHarriet.com and Travel Noire among others.

This girl loves traveling. From frolicking in the Caribbean sands to embarking on new cultural adventures in Morocco, Ahyiana lives for exploration.

The Final Five

1. If she could have brunch with three people, dead or alive, they would be: her father, Oprah and Beyoncé
2. The best advice she’s ever received: “You have to teach people how to treat you.”
3. What she wanted to be when she grew up: A hairdresser
4. If I were to ask 10 people who know her to describe her using 3 words, they would say: encourager, ambitious, bossy
5. Ahyiana’s favorite power outfit: a red lip (her favorite is Ruby Woo by MAC)
How you can connect with Ahyiana:
All things can be found at her website: switchpivotorquit.com

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