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Episode 135: Why We Should Lift As We Climb

Episode 135: Why We Should Lift As We Climb

In this episode of Beyond the Business Suit, I wanted to take a break from my #flyguyfriends series to share something with you that has been on my mind and heart. I want to extend some gratitude to someone who truly deserves it and I want to give those of you listening a challenge. In this episode I share a story about how my my friend, Luvvie Ajayi, created an opportunity for me, and why lifting as we climb is so important as women.  You may remember my interview with Luvvie in episode 75. If you don’t know Luvvie, she is a sought after speaker, New York Times Best Selling Author of the book, I’m Judging You the voice behind the popular blog, Awesomely Luvvie and if you haven’t watched her TED Talk, “Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable,” it is a must watch (see below):


Listen to this podcast episode and hear my challenge for all of us on how and why we, as women, should lift as we climb and how those acts can impact others. You can listen to the episode below:

But Luvvie is not the only person who I have benefited from due to her “lifting as she climbed.” Special shout out to my best friend Keesha Boyd who gave me my first paid speaking engagement and Grace Killelea who has been an advocate and champion and has even recommended me and suggested organizations to bring more women of color to lead and facilitate workshops. And thank you to all of the other women who have lifted me up. It is my mission to continue to do the same for other women!

Also, as I mention in the episode, Luvvie and I will be at the Texas Conference for Women on November 9th. If you are attending, please say hi! I am also speaking at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women on October 12, so if you will be there, I would love to see you as well!

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