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Episode 226: Are Your Ready For Your Moment?

Episode 226: Are Your Ready For Your Moment?

“The new dawn blooms as we free it!” Words spoken by this year’s inaugural poet, 22-year old Amanda Gorman. This seems to be the theme for this year and has me thinking, ‘are we really prepared for our new opportunities? Are we really prepared for our big moments?’

In this episode, I explore the multitude of messages I received during the 2021 inauguration of our new president, Joe Biden and Vice President, Kamala Harris. It caused me to analyze how fellow leaders are stepping into their new opportunities I share what our new President, Vice President and Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman helped me reflect upon. I also reveal my 5C’s that can help any leader dismiss negativity and prepare for their next success!


“It’s a lot to feel like you are not valued by leadership.”

“Acknowledge the moment.”

“We are carrying things we didn’t even know we were carrying.”

“It takes courage to stand up against fear.”

“Inclusivity comes down to belonging.”

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