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Episode 239: Find Your Fierce + Bankroll Your Brilliance with Nicole Roberts Jones

Episode 239: Find Your Fierce + Bankroll Your Brilliance with Nicole Roberts Jones

In this episode of Beyond the Business Suit, I’m joined by Nicole Roberts Jones, Bankroll Your Brilliance Expert & CEO of NRJ Enterprises. This is one power-packed episode! We talked about how Beyonce allowed her to find her fierce, the importance of getting the help we need and not trying to “do it all and be it all,” her definitions of O.P.P. and D.N.A. and the client she saved from divorce and despair with one simple change. We also discuss what can help you bankroll your brilliance as how she can help you find your purpose.

About Nicole Roberts Jones

Nicole Roberts Jones is uniquely gifted at one thing – drawing out what’s best in  YOU and helping you take your Brilliance to The Bank. A veteran of the  entertainment industry, Nicole worked in Talent Management and Casting before  shifting her talents to help others Bankroll Their Brilliance through her Brilliance  Mastery Academy.  

She now works with entrepreneurs to create multiple streams of income from what  they already know in order to build an empire from their expertise. Additionally,  Nicole works with corporations to assure their executives and middle managers  push their internal edge, and step into the true power of their gifts and talents at  work. Her clients have included the Steve Harvey World Group, Dell EMC,  McDonalds, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Lisa Nichols and Motivating the Masses,  Coach Diversity Institute, the BOSS Network and Working Mother Magazine to  name a few. 

Nicole is also a nationally recognized transformational speaker, bankroll your  brilliance expert and best-selling author of four books, the most recent being Find  Your Fierce. She lives with her husband in a suburb of Boston, MA, consulting,  writing and creating breakthroughs for her clients.


“Fierce is my word for purpose on fire.”
“Your comfort and conviction can never coexist.”
“It’s only scary because you’ve never done it before.”
“What you do is not about you, it’s for all of the people who need you.”

The Final Five

1. What are some of the things you do to keep your skills sharp? I’m always going to a training, seminar or working with a coach…If I’m not sharp, how can I sharpen someone else? 

2. Who is one person you adore or look up to? Beyonce because she keeps outdoing herself.

3. What are some of the things you do, that when you do them you them you feel most like yourself?  Speaking. When I was little I got in trouble everyday for talking too much. I feel like a conduit and I can feel God move through me…I love those God moments.

4. What is something that you love to do that people may be surprised by? One of the things I’ve been wanting to do since college is be a voice actor. So I’m taking voice acting lessons right now.

5. What is some of the best advice you’ve ever received? My aunt said to me once “don’t you limit God’s ability to bless you.”

How you can connect with Nicole online and in social media:
Instagram: @nrobertsjones

Facebook: NRJ Enterprise 

Take Nicole’s Brilliance Roadmap Quiz: brillianceroadmapquiz.com

Watch the video version of our conversation here:

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