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Episode 54: 3 Tips to Help You Create New Habits that Last

Episode 54: 3 Tips to Help You Create New Habits that Last

Happy New Year! This time of year is when everyone is making new goals and resolutions, trying to make this year better than the last. This is also a time to create new habits which can be soooo difficult. That’s why I wanted to devote this episode of Beyond the Business Suit to that: three tips for creating new habits that last. Listen to the episode for all of the good stuff.

1. Set trigger moments. I recently came across this video by Brendon Burchard where he talks about trigger moments and how they can help you set new habits. One reason why we don’t stick to new habits is because we forget. When it isn’t a habit yet, if there isn’t anything to remind us to do that habit, we may get caught up in what we’re used to and that habit may slip away from our consciousness. What Brendon suggests is to create trigger moments as reminders to do that habit. One simple way to do that is to set a series of alarms on your phone to trigger you to do something throughout the day.  Here’s the video with Brendon describing this concept:

2. Change your identity. Last year I came across an ebook by James Clear called Transform Your Habits. There were so many great points in it and one in particular really stuck with me. James says that “identity-based habits” will help you stick to your goals. For instance, if you want to be more active, you may set the goal to exercise more. Then you may think, “well, I need to make it measurable and specific, so how about I say I’m going to go to the gym at least 3 times per week.” And you think that’s enough for you to accomplish that goal.  Instead James says you should attach it to your identity and decide the person you want to be then start with small wins.

3. Be held accountable.  I can speak from experience that I need to be held accountable in order to reach my goals and set new habits. That’s why I have several accountability partners who I meet with on a regular basis and I also have an accountability group called the Goal Crushers to help me with my Miracle Morning routine since I’m doing a month-long challenge. By having people who know your goals hold you accountable for them, you may be more likely to achieve them.

I hope these tips can help you set new positive habits that really last and become second nature to you Also, I am hosting a free live webinar on January 13th. If you are interested in learning the 6 steps to elevate your career in 2016, sign up here!


Do you have any tips for creating new habits that last? Post them in the comments below!
