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Episode 94: My Theme for 2017

Episode 94: My Theme for 2017

Happy New Year! I actually planned to release a different podcast episode this week but something moved me so much that I had to share it with you on this episode.

Every year (I believe ever since graduating from college) my best friend Keesha and I have selected a theme or mantra for the year (2016, for instance, was “unapologetic”). Anyway, this year Keesha came up with one that was soooo perfect for her, but it didn’t quite capture how I’ve been feeling. I have to be honest with you: I just haven’t kicked off the year as intensely as I have in years past. I mean, I started my Morning Routine challenge with the Miracle Morning and that has been going great, but beyond that, I haven’t kicked off this year as hard as previous years. But this past Tuesday, I was talking to a friend and one of my accountability partners, Toria Frederick (who I interviewed in this last episode). During the conversation she said that her mantra for 2017 was to do less hustle and more flow. When I heard that I knew I had my theme!
It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and grind of life. We all hear it so often, “rise and grind,” “hustle, hustle, hustle,” “burn the midnight oil,” — we’ve all seen the Instagram quotes! But I think what happens when we are too far into the hustle, we become desensitized to what our intuition might be telling us. Our minds are too engaged and our heart and gut can’t do their job. I have a super strong intuition that leads me in the right direction always, but I haven’t been relying on it a lot lately. I’ve been working so hard, and honestly, I haven’t seen the results that I’ve expected. I have one project that I’ve literally been trying to work on for months, and I have yet to get it off of the ground! It made me think, does that mean I’m not working hard enough? Or instead, is it that maybe I shouldn’t be working on it at all? Either way it goes, listening to my gut and getting into the flow is a good idea.
So as we start this new year, if this idea of less hustle and more flow resonates with you, think about what you can do to go inward and listen to where you are being led internally versus grinding it out as hard as possible to get things done. One podcast that is good for learning how to do this better and getting examples of what other people have experienced when they’ve gotten into the flow is The Lively Show by Jess Lively. 
One funny think has happened since I posted the image you see below. People have been asking me if I am going to make any merchandise with the saying. Who knows, I just might (if I’m feeling it in the flow :)!). Would you be interested in something with this saying on it? If so, leave a comment and let me know what merch you’d like to see us make. 
